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PART 2: Good people, Good deeds, Careful wishes

I kept thinking and thinking about how to get out of "Operation Security Dog" or how to make it the "go with the flow" helping hobby idea I had in mind.

And the more I tried to find ideas on getting out of this dawg house I put myself in, the more I still wanted to be a proper Security Dog.

But before I forget, I also wanted to tell you how mama knew I would like to be a Security Dog and not something else to help out. She said it was because of who I was around all the time. She said that who you spend the most time with is who you like to be like. And because I spent a lot of time with Brian and Pete, she said it was not a surprise I wanted to be a Security Dog. She said if I spent most of my time with friends who liked watching Bluey and Sponge Bob, then that's all I'd probably want to do. And she said it wasn't just her opinion but that there was science to prove it. I didn't care so much about science because I knew how clever my mama was about "people" things. And it made me wonder who you spend most of your time with and whether they make you want to do better things.

But, back to my drama-llama situation. I kept thinking about giving up on my idea and how that would feel or if I could find a way to make Operation Security Dog work for me. I thought about all the hard situations and not fun things mama has had to go through and how it didn't stop her from her plans, like getting to start her own business. Well, that is a different drama-llama story that would need to be a Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5... All because some of the people mama spent a lot of time with turned out to not be as nice as she thought. But she didn't give up even when it was hard, and I know she won't give up on her dream. I see how she stays pawsitive and happy with Operation Coaching Business. So maybe I could do the same thing and be like mama. So, I decided to take mama's attitude with Operation Security Dog. Every day, we went to the Guard House. I started to learn all the things I would need to know to be a proper Security Dog: be on time, look neat, listen to my instructions, work together as a team, work by myself sometimes, be friendly, always say thank you for being able to help out and to remember to be grateful for all the love and treats I also got.

And you know what? Operation Security Dog's game-plan helped me to learn everything I had to know and it actually started to feel like the 'go with the flow' experience I wanted. It made it easier for me to learn; I learned faster, and soon, I was a PROPER SECURITY DOG! Mama was right when she said if you just "go with the flow," you'll go slow. But if you have a clever plan and stick to it, it will feel like you're "going with the flow," but you'll go fast. And if your plan has other people to help you, you'll also go far.

I'm so happy that I didn't give up! I'm so glad mama had a plan so I could learn everything so quickly, and I'm so lucky I had pawsome people to help me go far! I'm really good at my job, and I'm so proud of what I can do. So far, I haven't missed checking anyone coming in or going out of our community, and there hasn't been any stranger danger when I've been working. And, when it's not busy, I get to sit and enjoy the neighborhood sights and smells and sounds. I love that I have a job and love it so much!

Toffy's Training: It is important to have a game plan, even if it feels like it will make things too hard, but I promise it will make it easier, and you'll worry less and get things done faster. And it is really important that who you spend most of your time with inspires you to be better, supports your ideas, and wants to do similar things to you. Otherwise, you could watch Bluey and eat rice cakes all day when you really wanted to be a proper Security Dog.

Toffy's Tip:

Toffy's Tug 'n Triumph Challenge: I'm sure you have your wish of what you want, just like I wished to become a proper Security Dog. My Tug 'n Triumph Challenge is to make a clever game plan, too. I hope you'll let me know if you made your game plan so I can be a part of your village and cheer you on, too!

Toffy xoxo


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