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Life's Still Good When Life Happens

Life's definitely been happening around here the last few weeks, and even though I've been a little frustrated and a little disappointed, I've also been very patient, and it's all still been good.

Here's the problem I've had: my Dog Blog is late this month. Mama has been so busy creating her new website and starting her new business that my Dog Blog had to 'sit and stay and wait'.

I don't know how she managed to do mine in 2 days, and hers has taken nearly 3 weeks. And she doesn't even have a blog. I'm curious to see what's so special about it that it's taken up so much of her time, and I haven’t gotten as much attention as I usually do.

But there's always a silver lining or a treat; mine was that I've watched lots of movies. I love watching movies.

My favorite was The Lion King. I learned so many things. I thought I’d share the lessons and what they mean in my life. They helped remind me how to be my best. I hope one of these lessons helps you, too.

Lesson 1: "Remember who you are."

This means that I must always be me: fluffy, friendly, curious, cautious, and not worry that I'm not like some of the big dogs I see because we each have things that make us special. I’m not like them, and they’re not like me. And I must remember how much I like me when I see how big and brave, they are. And I must remember that almost everyone always wants to stop and say hello to me, but lots of people avoid doing that with some of the big dogs. So, I get lots of love and make lots of friends. "Remember who you are also means that even though I make mistakes sometimes, I must never forget all the good things I know how to do, like being a Security Dog and not barking at everything. I'm so good. I get to go everywhere with Mama, so I must remember this when I make a mistake like barking at someone I shouldn't or pulling Mama too much when we walk. What do you need to remember about yourself so you don't get down or disappointed with yourself because maybe someone else can do something you can’t or if you make mistakes like I sometimes do?


Lesson 2: "When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world."

This means not everything will be easy, like learning new tricks or when Mama goes away, and I miss her so much, or when I sit by the treat cupboard without barking and still don't get a treat, or people are mean and don't stop to say hello even though I'm so cute and friendly. I must remember it doesn't mean I did something wrong, and I mustn't give up because around the next block, someone will say hello, and tomorrow, I will get a treat if I don't give up. Did you maybe give up on something, but you could start it again?

Lesson 3: "Look beyond what you see."

I know this lesson very well. It's about getting help and not always trying to figure things out alone. I get lots of help from Mama, and so I've learned so much and so quickly. I can do more, I'm smarter, and it was easier to learn because she helped me. And I know sometimes someone helps mama, and that helps me too. It's pawmazing! What do you maybe need help with that would make things easier or better for you?

Lesson 4: "It's the circle of life, and it moves us all."

Mama helped me understand this lesson. She said it means we are all connected, even if I'm a dog and you're a person. Mama says I don't know I'm a dog, but that’s another story for a different dog blog. But this lesson means that because we are all connected, everything we say or do makes something else happen. Like when I mind my business and someone goes past outside, I know that means I have to protect mama and our house, so I bark. Sometimes, that gives Mama a fright, and she doesn’t like it at all. So, if the person hadn't walked past, Mama wouldn't have gotten a fright, and I wouldn’t get weird looks from mama.

So, we must always think about what we say or do and what will happen because of it, and that’s also why we must always try to be kind and patient.

How do you remind yourself about the circle of life so you help keep it good?

Lesson 5:  “Hakuna Matata” This means no worries for the rest of your days. I LOVE this! Mama says this lesson is much harder for people. be the hardest for people, but it's super easy for me. I'm always just thinking about now because there are always so many good things happening in our house, even when mama is so busy working on something important. I have the coziest beds, such good food, the best treats, fun games, snuggles, lots of walks, TV, and so much love. There is so much to be happy about right now every day, so I don't think about what happened before or might happen because now is so good. Mama says that if there is a problem, we'll fix it when it happens, but there's no point worrying because we don't know what will happen. What’s your trick to try and think about now more than yesterday or tomorrow?


I hope you loved my Dog Blog, and it helped you in some way!


Toffy xoxo


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